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st: Correctly setting FPC in svyset

From   R G <>
Subject   st: Correctly setting FPC in svyset
Date   Wed, 9 Feb 2011 03:44:15 -0800 (PST)


I'm analyzing a census I've done of schools, no stratification or clustering. 
Response rate is around 50%. I need to set the FPC (finite population 
correction) in svyset and I'm not sure the appropriate number to use. I know 
some argue that there's no need to set the FPC, but in my case the issues I'm 
surveying on there is a strong case for considering a finite population, and not 
a superpopulation.

According to Stata help: 

fpc(varname) requests a finite population correction for the variance 
estimates.  If varname has values less than or
        equal to 1, it is interpreted as a stratum sampling rate f_h = n_h/N_h, 
where n_h = number of units sampled from
        stratum h and N_h = total number of units in the population belonging to 
stratum h.  If varname has values greater
        than or equal to n_h, it is interpreted as containing N_h.  It is an 
error for varname to have values between 1
        and n_h or to have a mixture of sampling rates and stratus sizes.

The UCLA page also states that:
Stata will calculate the actual fpc for us; we just need to  specify the 
population total.

If there are a total of 1000 schools, with 500 responses, am I correct in 
interpreting that I should set the fpc=1000?

Just need to confirm this, as I'm relatively new at Stata's svy commands.



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