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st: building matrices for frequency and univariate/multivariate OR tables

From   ann montgomery <>
Subject   st: building matrices for frequency and univariate/multivariate OR tables
Date   Fri, 4 Feb 2011 11:37:54 -0500

Hi, there are a number of commands for building a matrix of results
and saving to files for use in tables.

Could someone please recommend the best steps, specifically the
commands, for creating the following tables. I'm an using Baum "An
intro to stata programming" p198 and wandering through several
webposts, and Ian Watson's tutorial on publication quality
tables...pointing to commands in the right (and highlighting where
there's a wrong) direction is greatly appreciated.

Table 1: Characteristics of cases and controls (n,%) by var1...var10,
and the results of the Chi2 2x2 of case vs control by var (Matrix is n
x 3 (n, %, chi2 p-value)

-each var is binomial except one

Table 2: OR and 95% CI and adjusted OR and 95% CI for cases vs
controls by each variable

Thanks in advance, Ann Montgomery UToronto
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