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From | Tharshini Thangavelu <> |
To | <> |
Subject | st: adjust to the inflation level |
Date | Fri, 04 Feb 2011 15:05:44 +0100 |
Dear statlist, I have a question concerning how to adjust my variable "return on asset" (RoA) to inflation using consumer price index (cpi). My dataset is a time serie, I have generated id and told to STATA that it deals with a time serie. The variable RoA goes from year 1998-2010 a cross countires and companies. The cpi goes from year 1998-2010 with year 2006 as the base year. year RoA cpi id country 98 11.114 87 1 sweden 99 4.902 88 1 sweden 00 4.669 90 1 sweden 01 6.603 . 1 sweden 02 -.005 92 1 sweden 03 3.064 94 1 sweden 04 -25.963 95 1 sweden 05 25.699 97 1 sweden 06 0 100 1 sweden 07 0 102 1 sweden 08 0 104 1 sweden 09 0 108 1 sweden My question is the following: I would like to adjust the RoA to the year 2009 price level. How do I do this? ___________________________________________________ Tharshini Thangavelu Forskningsassistent, Näringslivets forskningsinstitut -Ratio Forskarbacken 19, 2tr 114 16 Stockholm Mob 0735 53 43 90 Epost * * For searches and help try: * * *