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st: RE: RE: CATPLOT and "ytitle" option

From   Lucie Vlach <>
To   "" <>
Subject   st: RE: RE: CATPLOT and "ytitle" option
Date   Wed, 2 Feb 2011 15:26:32 -0700

Thank you very much David!
Fantastic... Both suggestions work just great. Exactly what I needed. This saved me tons of time.
Many thanks to Nick Cox for -catplot-! (I will certainly credit next time).


From: [] On Behalf Of David Radwin []
Sent: February 2, 2011 3:04 PM
Subject: st: RE: CATPLOT and "ytitle" option

I think you want to specify this

    ytitle("`: variable label my_variable2'")

or perhaps something like this

    ytitle("my_variable2 - `: variable label my_variable2'")

which uses the extended macro function (-help extended_fcn-) for showing
the label of a variable.

Also, it is good form on Statalist to specify the author of a user-written
program like -catplot- and where it is available, which in this case is
Nick Cox and SSC. (I made the same mistake once. Perhaps it is because
-catplot- is so indispensible to some of us that it seems like an official
Stata command.)

David Radwin
Research Associate
MPR Associates, Inc.
2150 Shattuck Ave., Suite 800
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: 510-849-4942
Fax: 510-849-0794

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:owner-
>] On Behalf Of Lucie Vlach
> Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 12:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: st: CATPLOT and "ytitle" option
> Hello all!
> I need to plot my data, using catplot (works really well), but I would
> like the "ytitle" to display my already existing variable label(s) (and
> possible variable name, but label would be great).
> I tried everything, but cannot get this right. Is there a way?
> I know I can type in my own titles, but to speed this up, I would like
> display what I already have associated with each variable for a title.
> This is what I am using now:
> catplot   my_variable1, percent (my_variable2) by (my_variable2)
> ytitle (My Title) blabel (bar, format (%4.1f))
> Thank you!
> Lucie

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