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From | "Airey, David C" <> |
To | "" <> |
Subject | re: st: choice of ANOVA for an ecological experiment |
Date | Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:44:39 -0600 |
. /* Actually, your problem sounds familar to a problem I discussed once. I've changed terms below animal = pond neuron = enclosure location = density u + D_i + E_j + DE_ij + F_k(ij) + e_m(ijk) u = grand mean D = density (4 levels), density crossed with pond E = pond (8 levels) F = enclosure nested in D*E (3 enclosures in each D&E combination) e = error (but m = 1 so that this term is empty) With D fixed, E and F random, the appropriate F-tests are: D MS(D)/MS(D*E) E MS(E)/MS(F|D*E) D*E MS(D*E)/MS(F|D*E) F|D*E not available since no residual You may have to figure out if you really want to consider ponds as fixed effects. Are you doing the experiment to choose a pond to work with later, or are you generalizing density of predation to ponds in general? If you are stuck with 8 ponds as being the only ponds you could use, that's a sticky problem for ecologists, but I would still use pond as random even if it is a convenience sample. Regardless, talk to a statistician if you intend to actually do this experiment, because you are putting fish lives in peril, and you likely have to get regulatory approval. */ clear set obs 96 egen pond = seq(), from(1) to(8) block(12) egen density = seq(), from(1) to(4) block(3) egen enclosure = seq(), from(1) to(96) block(1) gen outcome = rnormal() // collapse to a simple oneway repeated measures ANOVA preserve collapse (mean) outcome, by(pond density) anova outcome pond density, repeated(density) restore // repeated measures ANOVA with replication... anova outcome pond density pond#density enclosure|pond#density, dropemptycells /* move enclosure|pond#density to residual */ anova outcome pond density pond#density test density / pond#density * * For searches and help try: * * *