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Re: st: group classification

From   Eric Booth <[email protected]>
To   "<[email protected]>" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: group classification
Date   Thu, 27 Jan 2011 01:14:38 +0000


Here's a non-merge based approach:

***************************! Begin Example
inp str14(compname transdate)
"General Motors" "11/1/2006"
"Honda" "2/10/2006"
"Nissan" "10/10/2006"
"AAA" "11/05/2006"
"AAA" "12/07/2006"
"Honda" "1/08/2006"
"General Motors" "6/11/2007"
"AAA" "11/15/2007"
"General Motors" "12/21/2007"
"AAA" "2/21/2007"
"Nissan" "4/21/2007"

ta compname
**fix dates**
g transdate2 = date(transdate, "MDY")
format transdate2 %td
ta transdate

/* OP: For each company, at the end 
of every april of each year, I want 
to verify that in the prior six months
 the company has at least one transaction.
 If the company has a transaction between
 november of the prior year and April of 
 the current year I code it with a 1. If
 the company does not have a transaction 
 within that period, regardless of having
 transactions in other months I code it with a 0.

forval y = 2005/2008 {
**how many days to look for?
loc days = date("04/30/`y'", "MDY") - date("11/01/`=`y'-1'", "MDY")
di "`days'"
loc auditdate = date("04/30/`y'", "MDY")
di %td `auditdate'
	g prior6_`y' = . 
	replace prior6_`y' = 1 if  ///
		(`auditdate'-transdate2)<=`days' & ///
	recode prior6_`y' (.=0) if !mi(transdate2) 
/* uncomment/modify line below to recode to missing 
	if notin 2 year period around auditdate  */
**recode prior6_`y' (0=.) if !inlist(year(transdate2), `y', `=`y'-1')
**to get counts by compname for each auditdate, you could:
bys compname: egen prior6_`y'_sum = sum(prior6_`y')
l compname transdate prior6_2007*, sepby(compname) noobs
***************************! End Example

- Eric

Eric A. Booth
Public Policy Research Institute
Texas A&M University
[email protected]
Office: +979.845.6754

On Jan 26, 2011, at 5:32 PM, Ellen Kisker wrote:

> Compost
> tried to send a message about that but guess it didn't go thru
> atmidway now & ready to be home
> hope u had a good day
> -----Original Message-----
> From:  Jurgen Sidgman <[email protected]>
> Subj:  st: group classification
> Date:  Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:33 pm
> Size:  1K
> To:  [email protected]
> Hi all,
> I have what I thought it was a simple problem but has turned out to be a head age. I have a dataset of company names and transaction dates. What I need to do with it is as follows:
> For each company, at the end of every april of each year, I want to verify that in the prior six months the company has at least one transaction. If the company has a transaction between november of the prior year and April of the current year I code it with a 1. If the company does not have a transaction within that period, regardless of having transactions in other months (lets say september) I code it with a 0.
> I keep getting false positives because I have companies that have transactions in lets' say november and december of last year, no transactions on this year, and again transactions in january of next year. Then, what i get is that i am able to set to one last year and the next year, but I get a zero on the current year, which is not appropriate.
> My code follows
> . use "dataset.dta", clear
> . drop if month(transdate) >= 5 & month(transdate) <= 10
> . drop if month(transdate) < 11 & year(transdate) == 2004
> . drop if month(transdate) > 4 & year(transdate) == 2008
> . save "cross_section.dta", replace
> . gen transyear = year(transdate)
> . Keep compname transyear
> . duplicates drop
> . gen prior6 = 1
> . snapshot save, label("Snapshot 1")
> . use "dataset.dta", clear
> . drop if month(transdate) < 11 & year(transdate) == 2004
> . drop if month(transdate) > 4 & year(transdate) == 2008
> . gen transyear = year(transdate)
> . save "cross_section.dta", replace
> . merge 1:m cusip form4 transyear using "cross_section.dta"
> Obviously merging using the year in the key does not work, but I am out of ideas for the moment. Can anyone help?
> Thank you!

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