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st: estimates replay after exiting STATA

From   Nicolás Rojas <>
Subject   st: estimates replay after exiting STATA
Date   Fri, 14 Jan 2011 11:30:26 -0300

Dear STATA users,

                                      I am running 100 quantile
regressions. Then, I store them with estimates store and then I save a
dta file. I know I can reuse those estimates by typing estimtas
replay. However, that does not work if I close STATA and then I open
the dta data base.
                                       I understand that estimates
store probably works with "memory" allocated temporairly (from set
memory). However, some variables are saved in the dta base which give
me hope that may be it is possible to replay estimtates stored from
the saved data based even though I have closed STATA and then opened
it again. Does anybody know whether is that possible?

Thanks for your help!! Best,

Nico Rojas
Research Assistant
PUC Chile
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