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[no subject]

From   meysam poorkavoos <>
Date   Thu, 13 Jan 2011 07:28:13 -0800 (PST)

Dear All,

Sorry for my basic question. I have just started to learn statistics. Here is 
the case. I have two models:
Model 1: Depenedet_var_1 & indepedent_1 ... indepedent_5
Model 1: Depenedet_var_2 & indepedent_1 ... indepedent_5

so the independent variables are exactly the same (both scaled ordinal from 1 to 
7) in both models but the independent variables are dfifferent
I want to test if the effect of indepedent_1 is higher on Depenedet_var_1 than 
Depenedet_var_2 or not. How can I do that?

Thank you very much.


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