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st: -gmm- and incorporate offset/exposure variable?

From   David Ward <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -gmm- and incorporate offset/exposure variable?
Date   Tue, 11 Jan 2011 16:48:04 -0500

The article by Brian Poi starting on page 6 of Stata News (Vol. 25(2)) at
contains an example on using -gmm- to estimate a Poisson model with instruments.

. webuse docvisits, clear
. gmm (docvis - exp({xb:private chronic female income}+{b0})),
instruments(private chronic female age black hispanic)

Is there an easy way to modify this to include an offset variable;
that is, a variable that is constrained to enter with a coefficient
equal to 1.0?

Dave Ward
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