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st: SSC activity, Dec 2010 and year-end report

From   Christopher Baum <>
To   <>
Subject   st: SSC activity, Dec 2010 and year-end report
Date   Sun, 2 Jan 2011 09:47:41 -0500

Over 171,000 ado-files and m-files were downloaded from the SSC Archive during December 2010, representing the efforts of 354 programmers in the Stata user community.

The SSC Archive ( contains 1,536 items at present, a sizable majority of which are written for Stata. During 2010,
over 250 of these Stata modules were added or updated on the archive. Please use -adoupdate- within Stata to check for updated versions of SSC Archive modules that you have downloaded.

The details by author for the last three months are available, as always, at

Details per-package may be accessed within Stata with -ssc hot-:

. ssc hot, n(25)

Top 25 packages at SSC

  Rank   # hits    Package       Author(s)
     1   3984.8    outreg2       Roy Wada                                
     2   2378.7    estout        Ben Jann                                
     3   1511.8    psmatch2      Edwin Leuven, Barbara Sianesi           
     4   1408.3    ivreg2        Steven Stillman, Christopher F Baum,    
                                   Mark E Schaffer                         
     5    909.7    ranktest      Frank Kleibergen, Mark E Schaffer       
     6    865.6    xtabond2      David Roodman                           
     7    739.6    gllamm        Sophia Rabe-Hesketh                     
     8    734.3    tabstatmat    Austin Nichols                          
     9    728.3    whitetst      Christopher F Baum, Nicholas J. Cox     
    10    714.0    xtivreg2      Mark E Schaffer                         
    11    652.3    tabout        Ian Watson                              
    12    592.7    winsor        Nicholas J. Cox                         
    13    584.1    outreg        John Luke Gallup                        
    14    462.6    usespss       Sergiy Radyakin                         
    15    423.0    hprescott     Christopher F Baum                      
    16    398.0    xttest3       Christopher F Baum                      
    17    394.3    overid        Vince Wiggins, Mark E Schaffer,         
                                   Christopher F Baum, Steven Stillman     
    18    376.5    ineqdeco      Stephen P. Jenkins                      
    19    362.7    xml_tab       Zurab Sajaia, Michael Lokshin           
    20    350.0    confirmdir    Dan Blanchette                          
    21    339.3    fre           Ben Jann                                
    22    337.5    egenmore      Nicholas J. Cox                         
    23    334.3    tmpdir        Dan Blanchette                          
    24    327.0    shortdir      Dan Blanchette                          
    25    296.5    ginidesc      Silvia Montoya, Roger Aliaga            

Separately, details of published works (articles, working papers, books, chapters, as well as software) by members of the Stata Users Group are available at

If you would like to be included on this list and are registered at RePEc, please let me know. If you are not registered,
please do so at and let me know. You need not be an economist to participate in RePEc.

Best wishes of the new year to all in the Stata community.


Research Papers in Economics (RePEc)

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