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st: Missing DoF in logistic regression with imputed dataset

From   Lara Cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Missing DoF in logistic regression with imputed dataset
Date   Tue, 9 Nov 2010 23:12:53 -0500

Dear colleagues,

I am using Stata 11.1, and have an imputed dataset that was generated using
the -ice- command downloaded from

I have two outcome variables, both binary, and a number of binary and
continuous covariates. I wrote a .do file with a series of -mim: logistic
outcome covariate- and -xi: mim: logistic outcome i.covariate- commands,
which worked without issue for one outcome variable. However, using the
other outcome variable, there is a problem with several of the covariates;
the remainder of them provide the correct output. For those that are
problematic, the output displays -minimum dof=.- and the table contains the
OR and t values but is missing p(t), 95% CI, and FMI.

I have checked to be sure that the outcome and covariates are coded
correctly, tried running each command line separately, and used the dropdown
menus. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions.

Thank you so much for your assistance!

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