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Re: st: load EXCEL to STATA
Phil Schumm <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: load EXCEL to STATA
Thu, 1 Apr 2010 07:29:00 -0500
On Mar 31, 2010, at 10:16 PM, G. Dai wrote:
I have a very big data set which is consist of hundreds of smaller
EXCEL table sheet. Each EXCEL table sheet actually includes many
county observations in one state.
To read the EXCEL in my STATA, I need first OPEN the EXCEL file and
then SAVE it as CSV form. However, this easy task seems very time
consuming since hundreds of such sheet need to be open and save!
So, is there any easy to read the EXCEL sheet without saving it into
CSV form? Last, the EXCEL sheet actually includes a title and short
description notes at the beginning of the sheet, which is very
As Martin suggested, Stat/Transfer would make short work of this,
including giving you the ability to exclude the title and description
at the beginning of each sheet. Stat/Transfer is a great program, and
should be part of any data analyst's toolkit.
That said, another possibility you might consider is the xlrd module
available for Python ( This will
permit you to work with the data (and even the formatting) in Excel
files without having to deal with Microsoft's Component Object Model
(i.e., you can use it on any platform). A good tutorial is available
For example, to read all of the sheets in a workbook and write them to
tab-delimited files (which you could then -insheet- in Stata), you
could do something like this:
import xlrd, csv
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('workbook.xls')
for name in workbook.sheet_names():
sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(name)
data = []
for row in range(sheet.nrows):
outfile = open('%s.txt' % name, mode='w')
writer = csv.writer(outfile, dialect='excel-tab')
Personally, I use Stat/Transfer whenever possible, but occasionally
use xlrd when (1) the format of the Excel workbook is funky enough
that Stat/Transfer can't handle it, or (2) I have to provide a
solution to someone who doesn't own Stat/Transfer.
-- Phil
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