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st: to preserve locals while debugging
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<[email protected]>
st: to preserve locals while debugging
Fri, 19 Mar 2010 12:18:09 +0100
Hi Statalisters,
I'm looking for a way to preserve locals while writing or debugging a
do-file .
An example:
I create a series of graphs in a loop.
Graph parameters are provided by locals
which are set inside the loop or somewhere else in the do-file.
Graph layout sometimes needs a lot of fine-tuning and visual checks.
Before running the graph again I have to redefine locals either
by running the whole do-file or by temporarily defining all locals
just above the graph command. Both alternatives are not very convenient.
I think of a command that stores all locals in a safe place
(copy to global or something else) and breaks execution of the do file.
A complementary command restores the locals and makes them available for
the graph.
Anything already available or any ideas (beside "use globals")? ;-)
Stefan Gawrich
Simple code example
sysuse auto, clear
local filename "auto.dta"
local foreign = 1
forval x = 1/5 {
lpres // preserves locals for the session and breaks at run 1
To run while working on the graph:
lrest // restores locals
hist length if foreign == `foreign' & rep78 == `x', ///
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