Dear Stata users,
I'm trying to analyse a case-cohort dataset, using Stata/SE 11.0 for
windows. For this I have downloaded the Stcascoh module version 1.2.1
for preparing the dataset and Stselpre (version 1.1.0) for analysing the
I splitted my dataset into the subcohort and additional cases (they were
already sampled). Then both datasets were prepared for survival analysis
using "stset lftcens, failure(failurevar==1) time0(timevar) id (IDvar)".
Next I used "stcascoh, alpha(0.99999999999)" for the subcohort and
"stcascoh, alpha(0)" for the remaining cases. I saved both files and
appended them. Next I addapted the Barlow weights using "replace
_wBarlow=ln(number of subjects/number of samples) if _wBarlow>0"
However when I'm using stselpre for analysing, I get the following error
message: "Data were corrupted from previous stcascoh something that
should be true of your data is not r(459)."
Thanks for your consideration,
Anika Vaarhorst
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