It is because the legend count if part of the label - so when you
relabel the legend the legend count is over written. You will need to
count the areas before -spmap-, store the count number, and then add
the count to legend label:
Also keep in mind that -spmap- counts polygons and not states or
geopolitical areas. For example Michigan is made up of mulitple
polygons which will cause the legend count to be greater than the
total number of states.
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Alex Olssen <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm using spmap in Stata 10. The coloring of my map needs explanation. As such I label the legend. When I do this the legend count disappears - the legend count works if I run the same code without the legend label.
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