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st: Labelling the legend removes the legend count in spmap

From   Alex Olssen <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Labelling the legend removes the legend count in spmap
Date   Tue, 22 Dec 2009 08:45:55 +1300

Hi everyone,

I'm using spmap in Stata 10.  The coloring of my map needs explanation.  As such I label the legend.  When I do this the legend count disappears - the legend count works if I run the same code without the legend label.

The code I am using is,

# delimit ;
foreach j in 402 481 589{;
    forvalues i=1/9{;
        use "$mapdata\depprcntstateprivdwe`j'", clear;
        spmap depprcntstateprivdwe`j' using "$base\mbcoord" if rc01 == `i',
        ndfcolor(gs15) ndocolor(none)
        clmethod(custom) clbreaks(-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
        fcolor(BuRd) ocolor(none none none none none none none none none)
        legtitle("Percentage of State to Total Houses by Deprivation Index at the Meshblock Level")
        legend(label(9 "Deprived - 75% < State House Percentage") label(8 "Deprived - 50% < State House Percentage <= 75%")
        label(7 "Deprived - 25% < State House Percentage <= 50%") label(6 "Deprived - 0% < State House Percentage <= 25%")
        label(5 "Not Deprived - 75% < State House Percentage") label(4 "Not Deprived - 50% < State House Percentage <= 75%")
        label(3 "Not Deprived - 25% < State House Percentage <= 50%") label(2 "Not Deprived - 0% < State House Percentage <= 25%")
        label(1 "No State Houses") position(11)) legcount
        title("Percentage of State to Total Houses by Deprivation Index");
        qui graph export "$mapgraph\depprcntstateprivdwe_RC`i'_`j'.emf", replace;

Any ideas as to how to get a legend count back into the map would be welcome,



Alex Olssen
Motu Economic & Public Policy Research
Ph 939 4250  Fax 939 4251
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