Alfonso Miranda <[email protected]> posted that he was having some version
control issues with -ml-.
He sent me some files that represented the problem he was experiencing.
In Stata 11, -ml- was changed to be consistent with Mata's optimizers. This
means that method 'd2' evaluators are now expected to return a Hessian matrix
instead of the negative Hessian matrix.
However -ml- has the -negh- option which indicates that the method 'd2'
evaluator is going to return a negative Hessian matrix.
Those of you who want to call -ml- under -version 11-, but want to continue
using your existing method 'd2' evaluator without change, will need to specify
the -negh- option.
We should have emphasized this in -[U] 1.3 What's new-, but didn't.
[email protected]
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