Dear Stata listers.
I'm using windows XP and stata 9.2. I'm running some econometric
models and when I got the output I can see the number of observations
that were used in the estimation.
Since my database has several missing values for almost all variables
I would like to know if there is some command-function that allow me
to see which combination of variables will produce the regression with
the highest avaialble number of non-missing observations.
The procedure that I'm using to do this implies to quit and replace
variables and see how the number of observations used change.
thanks for your time
Rodrigo Briceño
+506 22-91-12-00 ext. 113 Office
+506 22-32-08-30 Fax
[email protected]
MSN: [email protected]
SKYPE: rbriceno1087
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