It's redundant to do both but usually not incompatible. It would be
like -by:- program making a call to another -by:- program. outreg2
does this internally. It probably could have been done with tabstat
but that would have fractured the table across the screen under
current setup.
> Two notions of "byability" are being mixed up in this thread: One is the -by
> :- prefix ([D], p. 21) that is allowed with most Stata commands. The other
> one is more like the -over()- option allowed with commands like -mean-.
> -tabstat- allows both, with the former one being able to handle a -varlist-
> with more than one member, as shown in my earlier example, and the latter
> (also called -by()- in -help tabstat-) being able to take only a single
> -varname-...
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