Gmail is bad about this. Hotmail did not mess with carriage returns.
sysuse auto, clear
gen white=cond(uniform()>.5,1,0)
gen black=cond(white==1,0,1)
gen male=cond(uniform()>.5,1,0)
gen female=cond(male==1,0,1)
outreg2 using myfile if white==1 & male==1, sum(log) eqkeep(mean N) /*
*/ cttop(white, male) drop(white male female) excel replace
outreg2 using myfile if white==1 & female==1, sum(log) /*
*/ eqkeep(mean N) cttop( , female) drop(white male female) excel
outreg2 using myfile if white==1, sum(log) eqkeep(mean N) /*
*/ cttop( , total) drop(white male female) excel
outreg2 using myfile if black==1 & male==1, sum(log) eqkeep(mean N) /*
*/ cttop(black, male) drop(white male female) excel
outreg2 using myfile if black==1 & female==1, sum(log) /*
*/ eqkeep(mean N) cttop( , female) drop(white male female) excel
outreg2 using myfile if black==1, sum(log) eqkeep(mean N) /*
*/ cttop( , total) drop(white male female) excel
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