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Re: st: AW: var already defined problem

From   David Torres <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: AW: var already defined problem
Date   Tue, 07 Jul 2009 19:08:46 -0400


I tried your suggestion and compared the output to a similar file, and I can't seem to understand what's going on. Stata loops through once on the -vincenty- command, the returns the error about the haversine variable as already defined.

My other file is a subset of the same data as above, but input manually: there are two data sets with longitude and latitude points, nonmatch merged, then I go right to the forv loop. If you have another tip (or if anyone else does), I'd appreciate it. In the meantime, I'll be pulling out my hair.

I don't understand why the manually input data would work and not the existing data. Strange.



David Diego Torres, MA(Sociology)
PhD Candidate in Sociology

2030D Population Studies Center
University of Michigan Institute for Social Research
Ann Arbor MI  48106-1248
Tel 734.763.4098
Fax 734.763.1428
torresd at umich dot edu

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