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st: var already defined problem

From   David Torres <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: var already defined problem
Date   Tue, 07 Jul 2009 15:10:42 -0400

The '______ already defined' error (r(110)) is usually not a problem for me; I just start with a new variable to define or drop the existing one. BUT how can I find what the problem is when I'm looping through unique values of a variable?

I'm still working on some spatial analysis and when I create my haversine variable (with the option of that name in the -vincenty- command) in the forvalues loop I get the error message just referenced...and I'm not doing anything esle in the code that is demanding a change on this new distance variable.

Thanks for your help,



David Diego Torres, MA(Sociology)
PhD Candidate in Sociology

2030D Population Studies Center
University of Michigan Institute for Social Research
Ann Arbor MI  48106-1248
Tel 734.763.4098
Fax 734.763.1428
torresd at umich dot edu

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