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Re: st: problems with joinby or merge
please report exactly what you typed in Stata for both -merge- and
-joinby-. It is difficult for us to help you if we have to guess what
you did. See the statalist FAQ on this topic.
-merge- should be the answer to your problem. Suppose you have dataset
1 (individual) in memory, and want to merge using dataset 2. The
following should do the trick:
merge Governorate using dataset2, sort uniqusing nokeep
This may or may not be what you typed in Stata.
One reason why you might get missing values is that the values of
Governorate in dataset 1 don't line up with those in dataset 2. A -tab
Governorate- in both datasets will shed light on this. Also,
investigate the _merge variable after -merge- to see how observations
were composed.
2009/5/11 Ana Gabriela Guerrero Serdan <[email protected]>:
> Hi,
> I have created a new dataset using two datasets. Using the first one where I have individual information I add for each of these individuals details about the schools in the areas that they live. So the first dataset is at the individual level and looks like:
> sum urban age sex year hhmem meducation disability daysinschool attending work Governorate violencetreated
> Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> urban | 68813 .5920974 .4914484 0 1
> age | 68813 11.27095 3.438038 6 17
> sex | 68812 1.491237 .4999268 1 2
> year | 68813 2003.147 2.996411 2000 2006
> hhmem | 68813 9.010521 3.53022 0 39
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> meducation | 61560 .5910169 .4916501 0 1
> disability | 1694 .1924439 .3943362 0 1
> daysinschool | 17722 4.824399 .7478702 0 7
> attending | 61943 .7056165 .4557688 0 1
> work | 52897 .4894039 .4998924 0 1
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> Governorate | 68813 9.639022 5.122194 1 18
> violencetr~d | 68813 .3931815 .4884601 0 1
> The second data set is at the Governorate/area level and looks like:
> sum Governorate schoolsrehabilitated total_num_schools population
> Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> Governorate | 18 23.66667 7.940959 11 35
> schoolsreh~d | 18 131 200.2628 17 902
> total_num_~s | 18 805.8889 405.0946 269 1735
> population | 18 754408.8 673468.2 237128.4 3262781
> So for each individual in the first dataset I want to add details about the Governorate/area level.
> But I get this:
> Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> urban | 20381 .5575291 .4966916 0 1
> age | 20381 11.25377 3.437551 6 17
> sex | 20381 1.491095 .499933 1 2
> year | 20381 2003.154 2.996112 2000 2006
> hhmem | 20381 9.327511 3.552114 0 28
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> meducation | 18255 .6012051 .4896638 0 1
> disability | 77 .987013 .1139606 0 1
> daysinschool | 5574 4.862217 .680953 0 7
> attending | 18045 .6682738 .4708463 0 1
> work | 15730 .4930706 .4999679 0 1
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> Governorate | 20381 13.06555 1.420832 11 15
> violencetr~d | 20381 .3576861 .4793308 0 1
> I also tried merge using Governorate and I get this:
> Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
> urban 68813 .5920974 .4914484 0 1
> age 68813 11.27095 3.438038 6 17
> sex 68812 1.491237 .4999268 1 2
> year 68813 2003.147 2.996411 2000 2006
> hhmem 68813 9.010521 3.53022 0 39
> meducation 61560 .5910169 .4916501 0 1
> disability 1694 .1924439 .3943362 0 1
> daysinschool 17722 4.824399 .7478702 0 7
> attending 61943 .7056165 .4557688 0 1
> work 52897 .4894039 .4998924 0 1
> Governorate 68826 9.642446 5.128155 1 35
> violencetr~d 68813 .3931815 .4884601 0 1
> schoolsreh~d 20394 59.68412 30.6863 17 902
> population 20394 725117.7 353806.9 237128.4 3262781
> total_num_~s 20394 1066.16 317.4857 269 1735
> Lots of MISSING VALUES FOR several of the individulas.
> Can someone let me know what Im doing wrong? How can I add variables for each of the individuals?
> thanks in advance,
> Gaby
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