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st: problems with joinby or merge

From   Ana Gabriela Guerrero Serdan <[email protected]>
To   stata listserve <[email protected]>
Subject   st: problems with joinby or merge
Date   Mon, 11 May 2009 08:46:53 -0700 (PDT)


I have created a new dataset using two datasets. Using the first one where I have individual information I  add for each of these individuals details about the schools in the areas that they live. So the first dataset is at the individual level and looks like: 

  sum urban age sex year hhmem meducation disability daysinschool attending work Governorate violencetreated

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
       urban |     68813    .5920974    .4914484          0          1
         age |     68813    11.27095    3.438038          6         17
         sex |     68812    1.491237    .4999268          1          2
        year |     68813    2003.147    2.996411       2000       2006
       hhmem |     68813    9.010521     3.53022          0         39
  meducation |     61560    .5910169    .4916501          0          1
  disability |      1694    .1924439    .3943362          0          1
daysinschool |     17722    4.824399    .7478702          0          7
   attending |     61943    .7056165    .4557688          0          1
        work |     52897    .4894039    .4998924          0          1
 Governorate |     68813    9.639022    5.122194          1         18
violencetr~d |     68813    .3931815    .4884601          0          1

The second data set is at the Governorate/area level and looks like: 

 sum Governorate  schoolsrehabilitated total_num_schools population

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
 Governorate |        18    23.66667    7.940959         11         35
schoolsreh~d |        18         131    200.2628         17        902
total_num_~s |        18    805.8889    405.0946        269       1735
  population |        18    754408.8    673468.2   237128.4    3262781

So for each individual in the first dataset I want to add details about the Governorate/area level. 

But I get this: 

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
       urban |     20381    .5575291    .4966916          0          1
         age |     20381    11.25377    3.437551          6         17
         sex |     20381    1.491095     .499933          1          2
        year |     20381    2003.154    2.996112       2000       2006
       hhmem |     20381    9.327511    3.552114          0         28
  meducation |     18255    .6012051    .4896638          0          1
  disability |        77     .987013    .1139606          0          1
daysinschool |      5574    4.862217     .680953          0          7
   attending |     18045    .6682738    .4708463          0          1
        work |     15730    .4930706    .4999679          0          1
 Governorate |     20381    13.06555    1.420832         11         15
violencetr~d |     20381    .3576861    .4793308          0          1

I also tried merge using Governorate and I get this: 

Variable	Obs	Mean	Std. Dev.	Min	Max
urban	68813	.5920974	.4914484	0	1
age	68813	11.27095	3.438038	6	17
sex	68812	1.491237	.4999268	1	2
year	68813	2003.147	2.996411	2000	2006
hhmem	68813	9.010521	3.53022	0	39
meducation	61560	.5910169	.4916501	0	1
disability	1694	.1924439	.3943362	0	1
daysinschool	17722	4.824399	.7478702	0	7
attending	61943	.7056165	.4557688	0	1
work	52897	.4894039	.4998924	0	1
Governorate	68826	9.642446	5.128155	1	35
violencetr~d	68813	.3931815	.4884601	0	1
schoolsreh~d	20394	59.68412	30.6863	17	902
population	20394	725117.7	353806.9	237128.4	3262781
total_num_~s	20394	1066.16	317.4857	269	1735

Lots of MISSING VALUES FOR several of the individulas. 

Can someone let me know what Im doing wrong? How can I add variables for each of the individuals? 

thanks in advance, 


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