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Re: AW: st: AW: AW: conditional logit problem
Dear Isabelle,
many thanks for your e-mail.
Maybe I didn't express myself very well. I know the difference between the
nested logit and the conditional logit.
I was just wondering if there is a "technical" difference in terms of stata
commands and outputs since we get the same problem.
I am relatively new in estimating in Stata, so probably I don't know the
possible solutions in terms of commands, but I know the theoretical
differences across the methods.
--On 27 March 2009 12:35 +0100 [email protected] wrote:
Dear Martin and Annalisa,
For me the difference between the conditional mixed model, which is mine,
and the nested model, is that the second is "sequential", and the not the
For example, the typic issue solved thanks to the conditional logit is
"explain the transport choices of individuals: take the bus, or the car,
or walk". The nested logit explains sequential choices. For example, first
choose between the car and the bus, the between the blue car and the red
car (or for an economic example: first the firm decide to export or to do
a FDI, second the country of the FDI.)
Martin, indeed I have the Stata10 version, but only the Stata8 manual ! So
I will try the "xtmelogit" command, thank you.
If Annalisa is economist, (and even if she is not), a very good example of
nested logit can be found here:
Dear Martin,
my problem is that I should estimate a nested (mixed) multinomial logit
model. It seems the xtmelogit command does not allow to run multinomial
logit models.
I am estimating a RUM so stata 10 seems more appropriate to my model than
stata 8, but I cannot sort out the problem and I also received messages
like the one's Isabelle received. I also tried to interact the variables
like Isabelle is suggesting, but it didn't work.
Maybe Isabelle's problem is different from mine.
I have been spending several time on the commands, but I didn't find a
solution to get a correct estimate, maybe because I am new to the nested
I checked on the Stata manual, Stata help the Cameron and Trivedi's book
"Microecnometrics using stata", their website and several other
documents, but I could not find a command.
Maybe this is just a problem linked to a nested logit. That's why I am
planning to estimate it by programming myself the ML.
I replied to Isabelle's message because it seems that the problems are
strictly correlated, but I talked on the base of my experience.
If you have any suggestions are more than welcome!
--On 27 March 2009 11:39 +0100 Martin Weiss <[email protected]> wrote:
what is the difference between your proposal and -xtmelogit-? One
difference for Isabelle obviously would be that Stata 8 does not provide
her with this commmand, as it was, AFAIK, introduced in Stata 10. But
might have access to a more recent Stata version...
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Annalisa
Marini Gesendet: Freitag, 27. März 2009 11:35
An: [email protected]
Betreff: Re: st: AW: AW: conditional logit problem
Dear Isabelle,
If I am not wrong you have a mixed logit. I am also working on a mixed
logit by using stata and I think one solution (I am also starting to
is that of programming yourself the ML rather than using stata commands.
If anyone has other (better and wuicker) suggestions are more than
welcome since I have been spending a lot of time on these nested logit
Many thanks.
--On 27 March 2009 11:28 +0100 [email protected] wrote:
Thank you very much Martin, for your very useful help.
-First of all I just had a look at "va" and you were right: there is a
with it because sometimes I have different va for a same firm. So I
to check how I obtained it and to improve that.
-Secondly I sought in the STATA8 manual, which explains that individual
variables (like va, or sex if the observations were human), have to be
multiplied by dummy variables for the choices:
it is the beginning of the example's dataset in the manual:
id car choice dealer sex income
1 American 0 18 male 46
1 Japan 0 8 male 46
1 Europe 1 5 male 46
2 American 0 17 male 26
2 Japan 1 6 male 26
2 Europe 0 2 male 26
"car": nationality of the car's manufacturer
"dealer": number of dealerships of each nationality in the consumer's
gen japan=(car==2)
gen europe=(car==3)
gen sexeur=sex*japan
gen sexjap=sex*jap
gen incjap=income*japan
gen inceur=income*europe
and to run :
clogit choice japan europe sexjap sexeur incjap inceur delaer, grou(id)
But I am a bit afraid of doing that, because in all I have 66
and 7 firm's variables, so, even if I keep only 2 or 3 firm's
there will be a lot of dummies in my results.
One thing for Isabelle to consider: When I replace just one value of
"0" during the -input-, the message does not appear for "va", but for
"ln(va)". So Isabelle might want to check her data set and maybe
-inspect va- to the list...
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Martin
Weiss Gesendet: Freitag, 27. März 2009 10:10
An: [email protected]
Betreff: st: AW: conditional logit problem
Actually, Stata complains whether you enter "va" or its log into
-clogit-: "
note: ... omitted because of no within-group variance." It would be
weird for the log transform to change the effect of va as the
itself cannot generate any variance within the groups.
The problem is mentioned in [R]clogit, p. 284.
inp double siren va str10 country tax double GDP choice
17251067 94997 Spain .35 777000000000 1
17251067 94997 Brazil .34 486000000000 0
17251067 94997 Italy .38 1330000000000 0
17251068 28142 Brazil .34 486000000000 1
17251068 28142 Spain .35 777000000000 0
17251068 28142 Italy .38 133000000000 0
17251069 75758 Italy .38 13300000000 1
17251069 75758 Spain .35 777000000000 0
17251069 75758 Brazil .34 486000000000 0
l, noo sepby(va)
g lntax=log(tax)
g lnGDP=log(GDP)
encode country, gen(newcountry)
drop country
rename newcountry country
* w/o va
clogit choice country lntax lnGDP , group(siren) iter(10) nolog
*with va
clogit choice country lntax lnGDP va, group(siren) iter(10) nolog
g lnva=log(va)
*with ln(va)
clogit choice country lntax lnGDP lnva, group(siren) iter(10) nolog
Might -asclogit- be a way out for Isabelle?
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von
[email protected]
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. März 2009 09:42
An: [email protected]
Betreff: st: conditional logit problem
Dear statalisters,
I have a dataset with firms, to which is attributed a number called
"siren", and characteristics of thses firms (exportations, size, value
added...). I have too the country in which they decide to invest, and
characteristics of this country (GDP, population, tax rate, labor
So my database looks like this (it is an example with 3 firms which
choose one unique country):
siren va country tax GDP choice
17251067 94997 Spain .35 7.77e+11
17251067 94997 Brazil .34 4.86e+11
17251067 94997 Italy .38 1.33e+12 0
3.025e+08 28142 Brazil .34 4.86e+11 1
3.025e+08 28142 Spain .35 7.77e+11 0
3.025e+08 28142 Italy .38 1.33e+12 0
3.026e+08 75758 Italy .38 1.33e+12 1
3.026e+08 75758 Spain .35 7.77e+11 0
3.026e+08 75758 Brazil .34 4.86e+11
When I run a conditional logit with only countries'characteristics as
regressors (***clogit choice country lntax lnGDP, group(siren)**,
lntax and lnGDP are the log of tax and GDP), it is OK.
But what I don't understand is this point:
-When I add value added as a control variable (***clogit choice
lntax lnGDP va, group(siren)***), it works, even if the coefficient
va is strange.
-When I add the log of value added as a control variable ((***clogit
choice country lntax lnGDP lnva, group(siren)***), STATA refuses to
provide results and write:"outcome does not varies in any group".
So I wonder why it is ok in a case and not in the other else which is
very similar, and I don't know what kind of logit to run which allows
to mix the two types of variables.
Thank you very much for help,
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Annalisa Marini
Department of Economics
University of Bristol
8 Woodland Road
Bristol BS8 1TN
United Kingdom
e-mail: [email protected]
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Annalisa Marini
Department of Economics
University of Bristol
8 Woodland Road
Bristol BS8 1TN
United Kingdom
e-mail: [email protected]
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Annalisa Marini
Department of Economics
University of Bristol
8 Woodland Road
Bristol BS8 1TN
United Kingdom
e-mail: [email protected]
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