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st: AW: psmatch2 and the options ATE and COM

From   "Martin Weiss" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: AW: psmatch2 and the options ATE and COM
Date   Tue, 10 Mar 2009 13:51:09 +0100

Information about -pscore- is easily obtained from

Both commands leave variables behind that let you check whether their
propensity scores coincide. Using the famous Lalonde data usually employed
in this kind of exercise -and described in the article above-, I found that
the common support is enforced inconsistenly between the two commands. Then
again, there is no reason to suspect that authors of competing commands
should be consistent among themselves...

use lalonde.dta, clear
qui pscore treat age age2, pscore(mypscore) blockid(myblock) comsup
qui psmatch2 treat age age2, outcome(re78) neighbor(1)
compare _support comsup

                                        ---------- difference ----------
                            count       minimum      average     maximum
_support=comsup               585
_support>comsup                29             1            1           1
jointly defined               614             0     .0472313           1


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Sarah Wichmann
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. März 2009 11:51
An: [email protected]
Betreff: st: psmatch2 and the options ATE and COM

I am working with Propensity Score Matching and came across the
following problems (code below).

1) When comparing the results from psmatch2 with pscore (and
subsequently att*), I only get the same results if I do not use the
common support options. If I do that, the results differ. I guess the
common support is selected differently with the two commands, but I
could not find more information. Can somebody explain the difference?

2)  When I use psmatch2 again with the common support option, I get
different results for ATT depending on if I also use the ATE option or
not. As I understood the help file, the ATE option should only add
further details in the output instead of changing the calculation,
therefore I do not understand the changing result.

Thanks for your time and consideration,

psmatch2 emsbinary logvossd, radius cal(0.1) out(perfbinary) logit com ate

Variable     Sample |    Treated     Controls   Difference         S.E.
      perfbinary  Unmatched |       .625   .582417582   .042582418
.045186234     0.94
                        ATT | .612903226   .620169943  -.007266717
.048401842    -0.15
                        ATU | .581497797    .55933642  -.022161378
                        ATE |                          -.018370454

psmatch2 emsbinary logvossd, radius cal(0.1) out(perfbinary) logit com

Variable     Sample |    Treated     Controls   Difference         S.E.
      perfbinary  Unmatched |       .625   .582417582   .042582418
.045186234     0.94
                        ATT | .612903226   .620364171  -.007460945
.048395422    -0.15

attr perfbinary emsbinary logvossd, pscore(pscore) logit comsup

n. treat.   n. contr.         ATT   Std. Err.           t

      159         454       0.027       0.046       0.580

Sarah Wichmann
Eichelhäherkamp 94b
22397 Hamburg

Handy: 0046 73 683 57 91
           0049 173 612 44 42

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