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st: Check that recode work

From   Tomas Lind <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Check that recode work
Date   Tue, 10 Mar 2009 13:58:05 +0100

Dear listers,

I would like to see the value of Z for combinations of A and B  (or for
combinations of A, B and C). Missing should be regarded as a category.

I have a large dataset and I generate a new variable Z that depends on the
values of two other category variables A and B. Is there some easy way to
let Stata show me which combinations of A, B and Z that i have after
recoding so that I can see that the result is what I want, e.g.

A  B  Z
1  1   1
1  2   1
1  .    0
2  1   1
etc (other combinations of A and B)


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