Hi Arne
Thanks for your reply!
If it’s okay I have follow question regarding marginal effects.
I have read in the FAQ: http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/stat/mfx_unsuit.html that -mfx- is unsuitable for calculating marginal effects in the -clogit-.
However in your answer to Jim http://www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2006-08/msg00899.html
you provide him two alternatives to do so.
I was wondering if they also apply to my example?
Thanks again for the help.
> Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 11:27:10 +0000
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: A logit approach that allows alternative specific variables
> Hi Peer
> Try this:
> asclogit choice life_earnings sigp sige, case(id) alternatives(edu) noconst
> which should give you the same result as:
> clogit choice life_earnings sigp sige, group(id)
> Note that -clogit- can be used both to estimate the McFadden model
> *and* the fixed effects logit (i.e. a binary logit for panel data with
> the fixed effects conditioned out of the log-likelihood) which is a
> source of some confusion.
> Hope this helps.
> Arne
> On 03/12/2008, Peer Skov wrote:
>> Dear statlisters,
>> I am confused; which logit command is right for the job. I have a choice situation where each individual has the possibility to choose among four alternatives. I have calculated individual specific expected income for each of these four choices. Furthermore I have also calculated two types of income risk however these two measures are alternative specific. Hence the income risk concerned with choice 1 is the same for all individuals. My initial idea was to use asclogit along the lines
>> asclogit choice life_earnings sigp sige, case(id) alternatives(edu)
>> But the parameters to sigp and sige can not be identified since the model estimates alternative specific constants.
>> My second approach was to use the clogit command however I'm uncertain if this specification is appropriate. As I understand the clogit or fixed effect logit deals with individual changes over time and this is not the case for my data.
>> clogit choice life_earnings sigp sige, group(id)
>> Do any of you have suggestion on logit specification that is appropriate when I also want to include alternative specific(case constant) measures?
>> Best,
>> Peer
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