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st: A logit approach that allows alternative specific variables

From   Peer Skov <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: A logit approach that allows alternative specific variables
Date   Wed, 3 Dec 2008 09:26:28 +0000

Dear statlisters,
I am confused; which logit command is right for the job. I have a choice situation where each individual has the possibility to choose among four alternatives. I have calculated individual specific expected income for each of these four choices. Furthermore I have also calculated two types of income risk however these two measures are alternative specific. Hence the income risk concerned with choice 1 is the same for all individuals. My initial idea was to use asclogit along the lines
asclogit choice life_earnings sigp sige, case(id) alternatives(edu)
But the parameters to sigp and sige can not be identified since the model estimates alternative specific constants.
My second approach was to use the clogit command however I'm uncertain if this specification is appropriate. As I understand the clogit or fixed effect logit deals with individual changes over time and this is not the case for my data.
clogit choice life_earnings sigp sige, group(id)  

Do any of you have suggestion on logit specification that is appropriate when I also want to include alternative specific(case constant)  measures?

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