Line for the server...
Does Sergiy`s code address your problem in your initial post that seemed to
consist in prepending "TV" automatically to the name of the -tempvar-? I
played around a lot last night with this and could not tell Stata that it
should add "TV" to "price" and then interpret the whole thing as a
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of mario fiorini
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 4:37 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: st: Re: read tempvars in user created programs
thanks Sergiy!
I could not figure out that passing just the handle of the temporary
variable would not work.
> Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2008 22:12:23 -0500
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: Re: read tempvars in user created programs
> Yes Mario,
> the variables will be there. You can check this by calling -describe-
> within your subroutine. However you must somehow tell the subroutine,
> which variables you keep in mind (and for the subroutine they will not
> be temporary, they will exist after the subroutine completes because
> they were created before the subroutine started). If you pass the name
> of the handle of the temporary variable the subroutine will not be
> able to dereference it. To correct the problem, you must dereference
> in the calling routine (the one that created the tempvar, or more
> correctly that obtained a handle, potentially you can create the
> variable itself in the subroutine), see example below. Using globals
> is feasible but very highly unrecommended and should be avoid at all
> means possible.
> Hope this helps.
> Best regards,
> Sergiy Radyakin
> version 9.2
> clear
> program drop _all
> program define summ_temp_var /* this is subroutine */
> args myvar
> describe
> sum `myvar'
> display "I have no idea what [`z'] means, because I have no access
> to local z from here,"
> display "but I can see globals from anywhere, so I know that global
> z is [$z]"
> sum $z
> end
> program define test_summ_temp_var /* this will create a tempvar */
> tempvar z /* z is not accessible from the subroutine */
> global z `z'
> generate `z'=uniform()
> display "Tempvar z refers to `z'"
> summ_temp_var `z' /* pass the value of z, not the name z itself */
> sum `z' /* variable still exists, it was not destroyed when the
> summ_temp_var has finished */
> describe
> end
> sysuse auto
> test_summ_temp_var
> describe
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 9:31 PM, mario fiorini wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> yes I know that. I am mainly trying to understand whether there is a way
to have a program that sees tempvars generated externally to the program
itself. The summarize command is there just as an example.
>> Mario
>>> From: [email protected]
>>> To: [email protected]
>>> Subject: st: Re: read tempvars in user created programs
>>> Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 00:59:54 +0100
>>> Well,
>>> -summarize- never sees the -tempvar- that you intend to use; instead it
>>> nothing. If -su- sees nothing, it -summarize-s everything by default,
>>> including your -tempvar-...
>>> HTH
>>> Martin
>>> _______________________
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "mario fiorini"
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 12:44 AM
>>> Subject: st: read tempvars in user created programs
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> I have written a program to produce some test statistics. However, the
>>>> program does not seem able to use the temporary variables
>>>> that I've generated outside of it. For illustrative purposes consider
>>>> following lines, where I define a program to summarize a tempvar (my
>>>> problem is more complex and that's why I use a program).
>>>> // ===================
>>>> cap program drop progtempvar;
>>>> program define progtempvar;
>>>> args progvars;
>>>> di "`progvars'";
>>>> su `TV`progvars'';
>>>> end;
>>>> sysuse auto;
>>>> tempvar TVprice; ge `TVprice'= price;
>>>> progtempvar price;
>>>> // ======================
>>>> The program would not recognize the temporary variable. Is there a way
>>>> get around this without creating a non-temporary variable?
>>>> (that is why " reg price `TVprice' " work instead?) Thanks in advance,
>>>> Mario
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