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Re: st: graph bar and/or catplot

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: graph bar and/or catplot
Date   Mon, 29 Sep 2008 09:13:22 -0500

I don't understand quite what the problem is.

-catplot- is a user-written program from SSC. Please recall the advice to specify where user-written programs you refer to come from.

Users of -catplot- occasionally tickle a bug in -graph bar- that last I heard was not fixed and -- most importantly for b. water -- will never be fixed for Stata 8. There is an easy work-around. See

-catplot- here is just a wrapper for -graph bar- and doesn't behave in a fundamentally different way. In particular, neither knows anything about categories that might exist but do not show up in your data.

Your variable names suggest to me that you have two categorical variables on the same footing, which in turn leads me to suggest -tabplot- from SSC or -spineplot- from the SJ. There is some discussion in

SJ-8-1 gr0031 . . . . . . . . . . . Speaking Stata: Spineplots and their kin
(help spineplot if installed) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. J. Cox
Q1/08 SJ 8(1):105--121
discusses spineplots (mosaic plots), a type of bar chart for
showing frequencies, proportions, or percentages of cross-
classified categorical variables

SJ-4-2 gr0004 . Speaking Stata: Graphing categorical and compositional data
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. J. Cox
Q2/04 SJ 4(2):190--215 (no commands)
discusses graphical possibilities for categorical and
compositional data

Of these, -tabplot- can be persuaded to show bars of magnitude zero for cells that don't exist.

[email protected]

b. water wrote:

stata 8.2,

my data set-up look something like this:

subject laser1 laser2
1 1 2
2 2 1
3 3 3
4 2 4
5 3 1
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
316 4 1

there were 316 subjects. laser1 has categories which take the values of 1 to 5 but returns from the subjects showed only categories 1 to 4
i.e. none of the subejct reported 5, likewise with laser2. i want to create a graph ala [G] page 134 of Stata 8 [G]raphic manual, where the
y-axis would show the total count of the subjects for each category while x-axis would show categories 1 to 5, with the chart itself consisting

of two bars of different colors for each laser1 and laser2.

i tried various gr bar commands but just couldn't produce the kind of graphs that i want. using catplot e.g.:

catplot bar laser1 laser2, asyvars

came close but somehow it is showing 3 bars in some categories when it should only be showing two bars i.e. one for each laser1 and laser2 respectively.
the other thing is i also want to show on the graph is category 5 (i.e. value of 5) on the x-axis albeit it'll be empty i.e. 0, but where in using the
above command, only 1 to 4 in the x-axis was displayed.

i would appreciate any advice/help either using the gr bar route or the catplot route or both to achieve what i wanted to show.
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