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st: graph bar and/or catplot

From   "b. water" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: graph bar and/or catplot
Date   Sun, 28 Sep 2008 23:22:06 +0000

dear all,

stata 8.2,

my data set-up look something like this:

subject laser1  laser2
1       1       2
2       2       1
3       3       3
4       2       4
5       3       1
.       .       .
.       .       .
.       .       .
.       .       .
.       .       .
316     4       1

there were 316 subjects. laser1 has categories which take the values of 1 to 5 but returns from the subjects showed only categories 1 to 4 i.e. none of the subejct reported 5, likewise with laser2. i want to create a graph ala [G] page 134 of Stata 8 [G]raphic manual, where the y-axis would show the total count of the subjects for each category while x-axis would show categories 1 to 5, with the chart itself consisting of two bars of different colors for each laser1 and laser2.

i tried various gr bar commands but just couldn't produce the kind of graphs that i want. using catplot e.g.:

catplot bar laser1 laser2, asyvars

came close but somehow it is showing 3 bars in some categories when it should only be showing two bars i.e. one for each laser1 and laser2 respectively. the other thing is i also want to show on the graph is category 5 (i.e. value of 5) on the x-axis albeit it'll be empty i.e. 0, but where in using the above command, only 1 to 4 in the x-axis was displayed.

i would appreciate any advice/help either using the gr bar route or the catplot route or both to achieve what i wanted to show.

thank you,
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