Etc. If someone is deploying a large package with tonns of helpfiles
interlinked with each other and with standard (base) helpfiles, this
command will help them to check that their links work.
Finally Martin Weiss may be intereseted in Stata's command
_findhlpalias. It is one of the "documented undocumented commands" so
it has at least some description: help _findhlpalias
So when someone gives Martin's "expanding" program a command "g a=b",
it could gettoken first word, then try -which- on it, if no success,
the next step could be _findhlpalias g, which returns r(name) - the
full name of (hopefully "all", and it includes built-in) commands. In
this case r(name) will take a value of "generate". Another call to
-which- will fill-in the gaps. After that -unab- will take care of
variable names.
Hope this helps.
Regards, Sergiy Radyakin
On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 6:05 PM, Eva Poen <[email protected]> wrote:
> Thank you, Nick. This is useful.
> Although I was hoping for a single-file-solution for all aliases.
> Looks like I need one help file per abbreviation.
> Eva
> 2008/9/26 Nick Cox <[email protected]>:
>> Yes. The help file for one command can be, in its entirety, a pointer to
>> another help file.
>> Thus if you wish
>> . h commandi
>> to point to -command.sthlp-, just have
>> ----------------------- commandi.sthlp
>> . h command
>> -----------------------
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
>> Eva Poen wrote:
>>> Is it possible, for a user written command, to link the help file for
>>> -command- to -commandi-? I.e., when typing -help commandi-, what
>>> should show up is the help file for -command-, because it's all
>>> documented in one file.
>>> I came across the *help_alias.maint files in the Stata installation,
>>> which I think do the job for Stata's official commands. I can't see a
>>> way to add aliases (any, really, also abbreviations) for non-official
>>> commands.
>>> I'm forgetful with options, so I get to call the help files for my own
>>> programs from time to time. Combined with my habit of inventing long,
>>> akward names for programs, this is a lot of typing...
>> *
>> * For searches and help try:
>> *
>> *
>> *
> *
> * For searches and help try:
> *
> *
> *
* For searches and help try: