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Re: st: Manuals online
At 04:31 AM 9/14/2008, Eva Poen wrote:
There is one exception, however: the reference manual for Stata 1.0,
released in 1985, can be found online at
Also, there are some free samples online. Go to
and then click on the docs you are interested in, e.g.
On the latter page, you can get the manual's chapters on
* clogit � Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression
* exlogistic � Exact logistic regression
* mfx � Obtain marginal effects or elasticities after estimation
* regress � Linear regression
* regress postestimation � Postestimation tools for regress
A lot of the other links from the first page I
gave will lead you to links for a manual's intro
chapters, which may help you to decide whether you want to buy the whole thing.
I think the biggest advantages of the manuals
over the online help are (a) they usually teach
you a little bit about the statistics and
rationales involved, as opposed to just showing
syntax, and (b) the manuals have detailed
examples and explain the output a bit. You can't
become an expert on a method just by reading a
Stata chapter, but at least you can get a general
idea and then decide whether you want to learn more from there.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?search
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/