Thank you, Nick, for pointing this out. I tend not to change scalars
after I have created them (i.e. I just pick a new name for
modifications), so I sometimes forget about the consequences... What
bites me a lot more often is the variable/scalar name ambiguity, as
mentioned in
2008/8/22 Nick Winter <>:
> Note the difference between:
> scalar s = 1
> local l s
> and
> scalar s = 1
> local l = s
> in the first case, the string "s" is put in local l. When you display `l',
> Stata replaces `l' with the string "s", which is then evaluated as a scalar.
> In the second case, the local l is given the (current) value of the scalar
> s.
> Which you want depends on whether you want the value you get when you refer
> to the local to change when the scalar changes. Consider:
> . scalar s = 1
> . local m1 s
> . local m2 = s
> . scalar s = 2
> . di `m1'
> 2
> . di `m2'
> 1
> --Nick Winter
> Eva Poen wrote:
>> Douglas,
>> like this?
>> scalar s = 1
>> local l s
>> di s
>> di `l'
>> To avoid confusion with variable names, you can write
>> local l scalar(s)
>> Hope this helps,
>> Eva
>> 2008/8/22 Levy, Douglas E., Ph.D. <>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Is there a way to take a scalar and place its value in a macro?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Doug
>>> Douglas Levy, PhD
>>> Institute for Health Policy
>>> Massachusetts General Hospital
>>> 50 Staniford Street; Suite 901
>>> Boston, MA 02114
>>> Tel 617.643.3595
>>> Fax 617.724.4738
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> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Nicholas Winter 434.924.6994 t
> Assistant Professor 434.924.3359 f
> Department of Politics e
> University of Virginia w
> PO Box 400787, 100 Cabell Hall
> Charlottesville, VA 22904
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