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Re: st: Correct code for Poi's QUAIDS model

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Correct code for Poi's QUAIDS model
Date   Fri, 02 May 2008 16:54:37 +0100

Dear Brian,

Thanks a lot for the new code. I will be sure to check out the command nlsur as well. The problem possibly occured because I was using Stata 10 to run the Stata 7 code. Please don't worry about the 'conformability error' message.. I think that was just me trying diferent things to get the code to work, which probably resulted in me messing up somewhere. Sorry about that! Thanks again for your help.


Lavanya Ravikanth Anneboina
Department of Economics and International Development
University of Bath
Bath BA2 7AY

Quoting "Brian P. Poi" <[email protected]>:

On Fri, 2 May 2008, [email protected] wrote:


Can somebody mail me the correct code for Poi's (2002) QUAIDS model. I downloaded the code from but I suspect there are some mistakes in this code as I keep getting error message like 'conformability error' or 'the subcommand post has been moved from estimates to ereturn' when I run the code. I would like to be able to replicate his results to see how this works in Stata.

I have emailed Lavanya a zip file containing programs to fit a QUAIDS model.

I have never had anyone report a conformability error when running my
QUAIDS code, though the error messages pertaining to the command
-estimates post- moving to -ereturn post- is understandable, since the
-estimates- commands were rewritten and renamed -ereturn- in Stata 8 or
Stata 9.  For those who want replicate the steps I took in that Stata
Journal article, just change the commands -estimates post- and
-estimates display- to -ereturn post- and -ereturn display-,

Also, I'm using Stata 10 and the code for Poi's example was written in Stata version 7 (all the .ado files say version 7).. could this cause a problem in the code running properly in State version 10?

For those who have access to Stata 10, I strongly recommend using
-nlsur- instead of the programs in my 2002 Stata Journal article.  The
last example in the reference manual entry for -nlsur- shows how to fit
the basic AIDS model, and it can be adapted to other demand systems as
well. Using -nlsur- requires just one program instead of the small
handful that the older method using -ml- requires, and -nlsur- tends to
fit these models much more quickly.

   -- Brian Poi
   -- [email protected]

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