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Re: st: RE: Correct code for Poi's QUAIDS model

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Correct code for Poi's QUAIDS model
Date   Fri, 02 May 2008 16:58:07 +0100

Sorry about the misunderstanding! There are no mistakes in the code.. I was just using an newer version of Stata to run code that was written in an older version of Stata. Brian has sent me the new code and it should be okay. Cheers!


Lavanya Ravikanth Anneboina
Department of Economics and International Development
University of Bath
Bath BA2 7AY

Quoting Nick Cox <[email protected]>:

Brian Poi is on the list and no doubt will reply in due course.

If you run Brian's commands under version 10, then the -version 7-
within his programs tells Stata to use the old stuff.

If you copy chunks of code from Brian's programs, and run them in some
way in Stata 10, then you will need to correct those commands that have
changed, or run them individually under -version-.

Either way, you've not substantiated the assertion of mistakes in his
code, as you have not shown exactly what you did.

[email protected]

Lavanya Ravikanth Anneboina

Can somebody mail me the correct code for Poi's (2002) QUAIDS model. I
downloaded the code from but I suspect
there are some mistakes in this code as I keep getting error message
like 'conformability error' or 'the subcommand post has been moved
from estimates to ereturn' when I run the code. I would like to be
able to replicate his results to see how this works in Stata.

Also, I'm using Stata 10 and the code for Poi's example was written in
Stata version 7 (all the .ado files say version 7).. could this cause
a problem in the code running properly in State version 10?

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