Reserved words are documented at [U] 11.3.
Austin Nichols
Sergiy Radyakin <>:
I would guess that the prohibited abbreviations include words that are
not allowed as variables names, e.g. long or byte:
. g byte_ok=1
. d byte
byte not allowed
. d byte*
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
byte_ok float %9.0g
. unab g: byte
byte not allowed
. unab g: byt
. di "`g'"
I think that the above looks a bit like a bug.
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 1:24 PM, Sergiy Radyakin
<> wrote:
> I wonder if there is any bug in unabbreviation of variable names. I
> have a persistent problem, which can be reproduced as following (Stata
> for Windows version 9 and 10):
> // --------------------------------------------------------
> sysuse auto
> keep gear_ratio
> describe gear
> rename gear_ratio long_name
> describe long
> // --------------------------------------------------------
> r(101): long not allowed
> Same thing happens when I use tab instead of describe.
> In real life I have a variable long_unempl, which caused troubles when
> abbreviated in such a way. Is it only the word "long" that causes such
> problems? Or are there other "prohibited" abbreviations (I know
> "using" is one because it is a reserved word and appears in the syntax
> of describe, but "long" is not a part of the syntax)?
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