If an option is not compulsory, the -syntax- specification (in your
case) would be
-sig(real 0.95)-. You missed out "real".
If you are interested in testing for normality, look at -omninorm- from
Despite my joint authorship of the above program, I declare a prejudice
that testing
for normality is one of the most over-rated statistical activities!
[email protected]
Martin Weiss
Does not work, either...
Maarten buis
--- Martin Weiss <[email protected]> wrote:
> I wanna check the power of normality tests and to this end I have
> written a program that does exactly that. It worked fine until I
> added an option to provide a desired sig. level to the program.
> Stata complains about the syntax, and I cannot figure out why.
> Any ideas why that might be? I want to make both varlist and sig
> optional so I put them in square brackets. Here is
> the program (with useful commands around it):
> *********
> capt pr drop normality
> pr de normality, rclass
> version 10
> syntax [varlist(max=1 numeric default=none), sig(0.95)]
This should be:
syntax [varlist(max=1 numeric default=none)], [sig(0.95)]
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