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st: -postfile, every()-?

From   "Stas Kolenikov" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -postfile, every()-?
Date   Thu, 27 Mar 2008 14:15:31 -0500

So what exactly does -every()- option of -postfile- does? Here's my
concern: I am starting remotely some simulations up on a computing
server, and sometimes the jobs are killed (either by me when I see it
hangs up, or by the server robots when it runs out of time, or for any
other reason). All I get, then, is the header of the file created by
-postfile-, but none of the results that supposedly came from -post-
commands, even if I specify -every(1)- option. (There is some
bootstrapping involved in this particular project, so it indeed might
take a few minutes to get the next data point to be -post-ed.) I am
suspecting that I am getting nothing since -postclose- fails to
properly close the file; however I have an idea stuck in my head (from
some NC courses about 10 years ago?) that one can be somewhat sloppy
with -postclose- since whenever the process closes, it works as
implicit -postclose- for all open -postfile-s. Is that true, or am I
missing something important? Apparently, if the job is brutally killed
(KILL (9)? OMG), then none of that happens.

Stas Kolenikov, also found at
Small print: I don't check my Gmail account regularly.
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