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st: RE: Stata programming: While Command

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Stata programming: While Command
Date   Mon, 3 Mar 2008 13:48:19 -0000

You have already had good answers. 

In addition, note that the consequence of your definition

local industria "ind1 ind2 ind3 ind4 ind5 ind6 ind7 ind8 ind9"

is that the line 

while `industria' == 1 {

is seen by Stata as 

while ind1 ind2 ind3 ind4 ind5 ind6 ind7 ind8 ind9 == 1 { 

That is illegal and not what you want anyway. 

As Eva pointed out, you need better ways of doing this. 

Leonor Saravia

I'm learning how to make some programs in Stata, but I�m having
problems in using the 'while' command.

My database looks like this:

FIRM_ID         IND1   IND2    IND3 .....IND9   TAX      INV
120                  1        0         0          0         0.16     100
123                  0       1          0          0        0.16      200
120                  1        0         0          0         0.15     150
134                  0        0         0          1         0.16     180
123                  0        1         0          0         0.15     200
134                  0        0         0          1         0.15     120
123                  0        1         0          0         0.17     130

I need to do a two step regression by the variable IND, this is:  when
IND1==1, IND2==1, IND3==1, ...,IND9==1, I need that Stata runs this
                                                         First step:
regress TAX EXP, robust

   predict tax_hat
                                                         Second step:
xtreg INV tax_hat, fe

So, what I was trying to do in my do-file was (and it's not working):

local industria "ind1 ind2 ind3 ind4 ind5 ind6 ind7 ind8 ind9"

while `industria' == 1 {

reg tax exp, robust

predict double tax_hat

xtreg ln_inv tax_hat, fe vce(bootstrap)

drop tax_hat


But when I do this, Stata gives me this message:     program error:
code follows on the same line as open brace

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