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st: Stata programming: While Command

From   "Leonor Saravia" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Stata programming: While Command
Date   Mon, 3 Mar 2008 09:33:33 -0300

Dear Statalisters,

I'm learning how to make some programs in Stata, but I�m having
problems in using the 'while' command.

My database looks like this:

FIRM_ID         IND1   IND2    IND3 .....IND9   TAX      INV
120                  1        0         0          0         0.16     100
123                  0       1          0          0        0.16      200
120                  1        0         0          0         0.15     150
134                  0        0         0          1         0.16     180
123                  0        1         0          0         0.15     200
134                  0        0         0          1         0.15     120
123                  0        1         0          0         0.17     130

I need to do a two step regression by the variable IND, this is:  when
IND1==1, IND2==1, IND3==1, ...,IND9==1, I need that Stata runs this
                                                         First step:
regress TAX EXP, robust

   predict tax_hat
                                                         Second step:
xtreg INV tax_hat, fe

So, what I was trying to do in my do-file was (and it's not working):

local industria "ind1 ind2 ind3 ind4 ind5 ind6 ind7 ind8 ind9"

while `industria' == 1 {

reg tax exp, robust

predict double tax_hat

xtreg ln_inv tax_hat, fe vce(bootstrap)

drop tax_hat


But when I do this, Stata gives me this message:     program error:
code follows on the same line as open brace

I don�t understand what�s the problem so I'd appreciate your help very much.



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