Dear Albert and Stataers,
Sorry if my questions weren't clear. My previous e-mail was a response to another one and I deleted the previous content.
Let me try again:
(a) Suppose I create the following table:
tab jobclass sex, row nofreq
| 1 2 | Total
1 | 97.35 2.65 | 100.00
2 | 73.53 26.47 | 100.00
Total | 77.61 22.39 | 100.00
is there a way for me to save one of the values in the table to a variable or scalar? For example, suppose I want to create a variable x equal to the value contained in cell (2,1), x = 73.53. How can I do this?
(b) Now, is there a way to save the whole table above to a matrix? Hopefully, without having to do (a) repeatedly many times?
And one more question: if I do something like
reg depvar var1 var2 var3 var4
I will obtain the regression output that Stata provides. Can I save the stuff in the regression output to other variables? For instance, if I want the estimate and the standard errors of the coefficient of var3, and I want to put them in a scalar x1 and x2, respectively, how do I do this?
Thank you very much and sorry for the confusion in the previous e-mail.
> Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 16:59:56 -0800
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: storing tables and values in tables
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 2:04 PM, Adrian de la Garza
> wrote:
>> Dear Stata users:
>> A couple of questions:
>> (a) Do you know how I can store one individual value in a cell in a
>> variable?
>> Question is not clear
>> (b) Do you know how I can store the entire table in a matrix?
>> Question is not clear
>> (c) What do you think is the best way to save this table and export it
>> into a program like Word and/or a LaTeX editor?
>> use outreg2
>> Thank you very much once again.
>> Adrian
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