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Re: st: expand and duration model

From   n j cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: expand and duration model
Date   Sun, 17 Feb 2008 17:26:48 +0000

This is not the problem tackled by -expand-. Nor does -expandby- (a user-written program from SSC) claim to tackle anything like this problem.

The problem has presumably been solved before, but off-hand I can't remember any program that does it. However, a few lines should get
you most of the way.

expand 2
sort id datealt
by id: replace datealt = datebax[_n - 1] + 1 if mod(_n, 2) == 0
by id: replace datebax = datealt[_n + 1] - 1 if mod(_n, 2) == 0
by id: replace y = 0 if mod(_n, 2) == 0
by id: replace x = 0 if mod(_n, 2) == 0
by id: drop if _n == _N

Consider -id- 1.

1 11/02/2001 14/08/2003 100 205
1 02/03/2005 05/06/2005 120 130
1 13/08/2005 18/12/2005 100 130

We -expand 2- and then -sort- to get this:
1 11/02/2001 14/08/2003 100 205 1
1 11/02/2001 14/08/2003 100 205 2
1 02/03/2005 05/06/2005 120 130 3
1 02/03/2005 05/06/2005 120 130 4
1 13/08/2005 18/12/2005 100 130 5
1 13/08/2005 18/12/2005 100 130 6

We need to work on the even-numbered observations, those with _n
of 2, 4, ... -- which are identified by -mod(_n, 2) == 0-.
We look backwards for the start date of each gap, and add 1; and forwards for the end of each gap, and subtract 1.

A correction is that the last observation for each -id- will contain no useful information, so we -drop- it. On the other hand, you might know that your study ended at some time. Suppose your study ended on 31/12/2007. Then instead of

by id: drop if _n == _N

you should have

by id : replace datebax = mdy(12,31,2007) if _n == _N

You need to modify this if the recipe has to cope with gaps of length 0. Look for observations with -datebax < datealt- and -drop- them.

I have not tested this code, but I hope it helps.

[email protected]


I have a problem to understand how to expand my observation to stset
my data to use in a
duration model.
I have the following data set:

id datealt datebax y x
1 11/02/2001 14/08/2003 100 205
1 02/03/2005 05/06/2005 120 130
1 13/08/2005 18/12/2005 100 130

so I want a dataset for the period that I don't observe the id:

id datealt datebax y x
1 11/02/2001 14/08/2003 100 205
1 15/08/2003 01/032005 0 0
1 02/03/2005 05/06/2005 120 130
1 06/06/2005 12/082005 0 0
1 13/08/2005 18/12/2005 100 130
Someone can help me?
I try with expandby but without results.

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