Dear Statlisters,
M code below plots 18 overlaid roc graphs. However, in the legend, all labels appear but only 16 symbols appear in the key. How can I reconcile the number of symbols with key labels. Is there a limit to the number of keyed label?
gen id =_n
local li 1
levelsof id, local(slevels)
tempvar x
range `x' 0 1 1000
foreach s of local slevels {
local id "Study[`s']"
local note: di `id'
gen roc`s' = normal(a[`s'] + b[`s']*invnormal(`x'))
replace roc`s' = `x' if `x' == 0 | `x' == 1
local legend `"`legend' label(`li' `note')"'
local order "`order' `li++'"
twoway line roc* `x', aspect(1) xsc(range(0 1)) ysc(range(0 1)) ///
xla(0(.2)1, nogrid) yla(0(.2)1, nogrid angle(hor)) xti("1-Specificity", size(*0.95)) ///
yti("Sensitivity", size(*0.95)) legend(order(`order') pos(2) ///
rowgap(1) col(1) `legend') ti("Study-specific ROC Curves(Probit Model)", size(*0.75))
Ben Adarkwa Dwamena, MD
Assistant Professor of Radiology
Division of Nuclear Medicine
Department of Radiology
University of Michigan Health Systems
B1G505 UH SPC 5028
1500 E. Medical Center Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5028
[email protected]
Staff Physician
D748 Nuclear Medicine Service (115),
VA Ann Arbor Health Care System
2215 Fuller Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
734-845-3775 Phone
734-845-3252 Fax
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