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Re: st: ST: editing variable names & labels

From   "Sergiy Radyakin" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: ST: editing variable names & labels
Date   Tue, 22 Jan 2008 14:13:35 -0500

Hello Eric,

you might want to investigate why the variable names are named "q31a"
etc. If this is a result of the batch conversion (say of an SPSS file)
and the original file had more maningful names, then try other options
of the converter. E.g. StatTransfer has an option to override the
variable names with sequential names like you describe. Check if this
option is enabled.

Also it is not a bad idea to actually write a do file for renaming
your data, since any mistake in renaming 300 variables by hand will be
hard/impossible to track down.

Best regards, Sergiy

On 1/22/08, Eric Uslaner <[email protected]> wrote:
> I have a data set that someone else created.  The data are survey data and the variable names are such as q31a, etc.  The labels make no sense either.  I want to rename the variables and the labels.  In the past, I have had to click on one variable at a a time and rename it and the label in the data editor.  But this is awkward and time consuming.  I could convert the data to SPSS and use the variable view to change the names and labels rather easily but this would limit the variable names to 8 characters.  I know of John Gleason's labedit, but this does not allow changing variable names and I cannot change the size from a tiny box to a larger box.
> I have searched for such a variable editor using findit and came up with nothing.  Am I missing something--and, if not, is this something that Stata can work on?
> Thanks,
> Ric Uslaner
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