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st: putting first-difference estimates in same table
I am using est2tex to create tables with my regression outputs, and I
wondered if anyone had a quicker way of including simple
first-differenced estimates in the table outputs than I am doing at the
E.g. I want a table with OLS, Random Effects, Fixed Effects and First
For my regression of lcons (log consumption) on other variables
I run it then type
est2vec CONS, replace vars(L.lrcons land sexhead ... )
but for the first difference I want to have the estimates in the same
table as another column, if i do it manually I have dcons, dland,
dsexhead etc which est2tex cant recognise as the same variable, just
first differenced, if you see what I mean.
I wondered if trying to force xtivreg, fd could work, with no endogenous
variables, but I can't work it out.
If anyone had any suggestions either on xtivreg, fd or on another way to
easily put the tables together, I'd be most grateful.
Best wishes, Catherine Porter
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