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RE: st: RE: Re:distribution code

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: RE: Re:distribution code
Date   Wed, 16 Jan 2008 13:26:41 -0000

This ia good progress! How would you generalise your match-ups 
AB CH DG EF to arbitrary even numbers of teams? 

[email protected] 

Elizabeth Rainwater

I have written a bit of code that I think might do the trick. I'm sure 
it could be condensed and written in to a loop, but I wanted it to be as

clear as possible. I think it could be extended for more teams fairly 

*---------begin code--------*
set obs 7
input round

* gen initial values for 8 teams
gen A = 1
gen B = 1 + round
gen C = 2 + round
gen D = 3 + round
gen E = 4 + round
gen F = 5 + round
gen G = 6 + round
gen H = 7 + round

* fix so 9->2, 10->3, etc 
replace B = B-7 if B>8
replace C = C-7 if C>8
replace D = D-7 if D>8
replace E = E-7 if E>8
replace F = F-7 if F>8
replace G = G-7 if G>8
replace H = H-7 if H>8

* for the brackets: the matchups are always AB CH DG EF
egen field1 = concat(A B), punct("_")
egen field2 = concat(C H), punct("_")
egen field3 = concat(D G), punct("_")
egen field4 = concat(E F), punct("_")
*--------end code--------*

The above gives me the following matchups:
. cl field*

        field1     field2     field3     field4
  1.       1_2        3_8        4_7        5_6
  2.       1_3        4_2        5_8        6_7
  3.       1_4        5_3        6_2        7_8
  4.       1_5        6_4        7_3        8_2
  5.       1_6        7_5        8_4        2_3
  6.       1_7        8_6        2_5        3_4
  7.       1_8        2_7        3_6        4_5

Does anyone see anything wrong with this approach?


Nick Cox wrote:
> Victor has posted three versions of this problem, without 
> a flicker of public response that I can recall. 
> The interpretation that I find easiest of his problem is 
> 	Eight teams 1-8.  
> 	Each team plays every other team just once.  
> Evidently there are 8 * 7 / 2 matches and 7 rounds of matches. I
> no distinction between "home" and "away". 
> I had a few goes at doing this in Stata, but in each case only managed
> code for an easier half of the problem. The best data structure for
> is to me far from obvious. Victor wants each match to be an
> but I wouldn't be at all surprised if you were better off with each
> round as an observation. Thus you are working with various shuffles of
> "12345678" divided into pairs, with the understanding that "12" and
> are not distinct. 
> In case it is also of interest, I offer here a solution obtained "by
> hand". 
> 12, for example, means "1 and 2 play". 
> 12 34 56 78 
> 13 24 57 68 
> 14 25 38 67 
> 15 26 37 48 
> 16 23 47 58 
> 17 28 36 45 
> 18 27 35 46 
> This took much less time than my various failed programming efforts. 
> Of course, if the real problem has say 16 or 64 teams, and this one is
> just a toy, then this is no use whatsoever. 
> Nick 
> [email protected] 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Victor M.
> Zammit
> Sent: 14 January 2008 22:01
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: Re:distribution code
> Dear Listers,
> I have the following dataset
> <snip>
> and I need to find the code capable of distributing it in seven groups
> ,of
> four observations (pairs of numbers) each ,such that each group would
> have
> eight numbers and no group may contain any repeating number
> and no pair of numbers may be repetitive within the seven groups.For
> example
> :
> 1 2,3 4,5 6,7 8
> 1 3,2 6,3 7,4 8
> .........................
> .........................
> .........................
> ........................
> 1 8,2 7,3 6,4 5

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