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st: RE: uniform smoother

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: uniform smoother
Date   Mon, 14 Jan 2008 13:22:32 -0000

I don't understand what you mean by unweighted and weighted here. 
Nonparametric regression is, in my understanding, aleays some kind of
weighted local combination of response given predictor: that is the
whole point of the exercise. 

Otherwise, yes: in Stata 10 this sounds like -lpoly- (formerly
-locpoly-) with -kernel(rectangle)-. 
[email protected] 

xinzheng shi

I would like to get a prediction from  unweighted
uniform kernel smoother. In STATA, it seems "locpoly"
is the one to do this kind of nonparametric
regression, but it gets weighted conditional mean. I
was wandering whether there is any syntax in STATA
which could be used to get unweighted conditional
mean. Or I might understand "locpoly" wrong? 

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