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Re: Re: st: consecutive observation - incomplete panel data (help)

From   n j cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: Re: st: consecutive observation - incomplete panel data (help)
Date   Sun, 21 Oct 2007 21:24:39 +0100

Maarten, and also Sebastian Buechte, are correct.
Alfred has a spell problem.

Given three variables, a simpler condition than any
mentioned that all are non-missing is

!missing(var1, var2, var3)

Thus Alfred should look for spells defined by
that condition.

[email protected]

Alfred Blair

Dear Marteen, thank you for your suggestion, but it seems it doesn't help me. The link provides useful tricks, but my problem is quite different. I mean: starting from a large but incomplete database (three variables, from 1980 to 1998), I simply need to restrict my analysis to individuals (my units) that have
no missing data (on my three variables) for at least five
consecutive years. Until now I haven't found how to get this selection in Stata, and I still hope that you or someone else will help me (an example with a basic dataset would be a big hand).

Maarten Buis

You can find a lot of useful tricks in:

and in the Stata Journal article it refers to.

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